lördag 1 september 2012

Undead part 3

The Lich is a very powerful udead creature! 
Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality. It can also have been a Necromancer, a being of powerful magic. Using it to control the dead. 
Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, their bodies desiccated or even completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as soldiers and servants.
Unlike zombies, which are often depicted as mindless, part of a hivemind and/or under the control of some magician, a lich retains independent thought and is usually at least as intelligent as it was prior to its transformation. In some works of fiction, liches can be distinguished from other undead by their phylactery - an item of the Lich's choosing into which they imbue their soul, giving them immortality until the phylactery is destroyed.
Mummies are long dead pharaohs and nobles from the Egypt or the Three Niles area, they are bound up in a process called mummification in preparation for the afterlife. Their tombs were often cursed, and it is said that if the tomb is disturbed the mummy will come back to life to seek out the person who disturbed the tomb.
A mummy can be either human or animal.  As an undead a mummy can be controled by a Necromancer!

A being of old and dark magic. It controls the dead and can raise armies of dead beings. A cunning being, magician with immense powers and immense thirst for even more power. 
Necromancers steal the life-force from other living creatures to extent their own and to increase their strength and toughness. Sometimes this power is also known as Voodoo.

-----> To be continued

Undead part 2

The ghoul were a man once. ghoul is a cannibalistic monster that feeds on human corpses and living human flesh, abducts young children to eat, lures unwary people into abandoned places, often classified as undead. The creatures usually dwells in graveyards and cemeteries. The oldest surviving literature that mention ghouls is likely One Thousand and one Night. The term was first attested to in English in 1786, in William Beckford's Orientalist vathek, which describes the ghūl of Arabian folklore.They have developed into pack hunters they still look human but they have sharper teeth and nails.
The tradition about the Jack-o'-lantern goes back to the Irish legend of the wicked, but sly Jack the blacksmith, who was so thirsty that he sold his soul to the devil for a penny for something strong to drink. When the devil had turned himself into a coin, put Jack instead it is in his pocket with a silver cross, which prevented the Devil to turn back. In the end, the devil promised to give Jack postpone for a whole year before he would come back and call Jack on his soul, which Jack agreed. When the devil a year later came back, Jack promised to obediently follow if the devil just wanted to give him an apple from a particular apple. The Devil agreed to this, but when he climbed up in the tree, Jack carved a cross quickly  into the tree  and again the devil was trapped and unable to get down from the tree.
Jack did not let the devil come down until he had sworn to give up his  soul forever. But when the day came when Jack died, he was refused entry to heaven because of all the mischief he had done on earth during his long life. Neither the devil, could give Jack entry to hell when he  swor to never claim his soul again.
Thus, Jack is now doomed to for ever walk as a restless spirit on earth. Jack asked the devil for a lantern so that he could get back into the living world from the hellish darkness. 
The devil then threw some burning coals to Jack as he lay in a hollow turnip. He later became known as "Jack with the lantern" ("Jack of the latern" or "Jack-o'-lantern"). He was said to have been seen by people, even today and so we know he has not yet been able to find peace. 

Is a term for house spirits and nature spirits of German folklore. A kobold can thus both be an ELF and a kind of dwarf or mountain raw. The metal cobalt is named after kobolden, arguing that he had stolen valuable minerals from ore vein and instead stopped there those that were considered worthless, thus "koboldmetall". One reason for this was thought to be the mines disturb the tranquility of the underworld, where kobolderna lived.
According to many legends were kobold spirits red or orange. And always had with him a flute to scare people.
The word kobold is etymologically related to the English goblin. Even in parts of Sweden was the belief kobolder strong, largely due to the fact that many mountain men and metal processors came from German-speaking areas. For example, Falun Copper Mine thrived faith in all sorts of subterranean beings, such kobolder, mountain raw (an underground version of the Siren of the Woods) and trolls.

To be continued


Are South American versions of the European vampires. In daytime they take the form of a human female and at night they turm into a bat feeding the blood of their victims. 
They are obsessed with counting, and if seeds are scattered on the floor she will stop to count them all. 
They are the restless spirit of witches and females. As banshees are ethereal creatures like ghosts they have the power to move through walls. Banshees are well known for their howls of despair this howl of the banshee is meant to bring death to those who hear it. Some stories say thier howls only kill men and change females and witches who are heartbroken.  They appear as beautiful women with long white hair and red eyes.

The Bogeyman
Bogeyman tales vary by region. The bogeyman is usually a masculine entity but can be any gender or simply asexual.
They are used by adults to frighten children who missbehave. 
Bogeymen can be either really evil or trouble makers that in truth are harmless. Bogeymen are a type of shape changer, they can move objects and cause disruptions. Bogeymen tend to haunt a family much like a ghost, in some cases they become friends with the family and play with the children. The Bogeymen tend to harm those that are liars or someone that commits evil acts.
The Bogeymen are vague in appearance this is due to their ethereal state and that they are shape changers, in a general appearance they resemble a puff off dust. It is thought that the story of the bogeymen comes from Indonesia where "bugis" which were pirates in these parts. Sailors from England and France brought stories back anglicising them telling their children "If you're bad, the bugisman will come and get you!" and over time the word was changed to Bogey.
I know this inst a really bogeyman, but due to his shape shift ability you cant say its wrong either. 

Travel to Spirit, blue, fantasy, spirit, travel
Spirits of the  dead who are trapped in our world for some reason. Undone actions, spirits can be trapped if they feel to attached to someone living. 
Ghosts are ethereal creatures this means that they can move through solid objects, ghosts can not be harmed in fighting only by laying the spirit to rest by exorcism or using blessed weapons. There are many different categories of ghosts.

 Poltergeist, or "knock-spirit" is a kind of ghost that manifests itself in physical disorders. It might be doors slamming, the sound of creaking steps, moaning, wailing, cry or laugh, be it furniture knocked over or moved through the room, chandeliers starting to swing or objects without demonstrable cause thrown through the air. The word Poltergeist is German and means directly translated "Noise Ghost". Some of the oldest cases also originates from Germany. In 858 a.cr it was reported, for example, near the town of Bingen on the Rhine there were falling rocks and violent knocks.

To be continued