lördag 1 september 2012

Undead part 2

The ghoul were a man once. ghoul is a cannibalistic monster that feeds on human corpses and living human flesh, abducts young children to eat, lures unwary people into abandoned places, often classified as undead. The creatures usually dwells in graveyards and cemeteries. The oldest surviving literature that mention ghouls is likely One Thousand and one Night. The term was first attested to in English in 1786, in William Beckford's Orientalist vathek, which describes the ghūl of Arabian folklore.They have developed into pack hunters they still look human but they have sharper teeth and nails.
The tradition about the Jack-o'-lantern goes back to the Irish legend of the wicked, but sly Jack the blacksmith, who was so thirsty that he sold his soul to the devil for a penny for something strong to drink. When the devil had turned himself into a coin, put Jack instead it is in his pocket with a silver cross, which prevented the Devil to turn back. In the end, the devil promised to give Jack postpone for a whole year before he would come back and call Jack on his soul, which Jack agreed. When the devil a year later came back, Jack promised to obediently follow if the devil just wanted to give him an apple from a particular apple. The Devil agreed to this, but when he climbed up in the tree, Jack carved a cross quickly  into the tree  and again the devil was trapped and unable to get down from the tree.
Jack did not let the devil come down until he had sworn to give up his  soul forever. But when the day came when Jack died, he was refused entry to heaven because of all the mischief he had done on earth during his long life. Neither the devil, could give Jack entry to hell when he  swor to never claim his soul again.
Thus, Jack is now doomed to for ever walk as a restless spirit on earth. Jack asked the devil for a lantern so that he could get back into the living world from the hellish darkness. 
The devil then threw some burning coals to Jack as he lay in a hollow turnip. He later became known as "Jack with the lantern" ("Jack of the latern" or "Jack-o'-lantern"). He was said to have been seen by people, even today and so we know he has not yet been able to find peace. 

Is a term for house spirits and nature spirits of German folklore. A kobold can thus both be an ELF and a kind of dwarf or mountain raw. The metal cobalt is named after kobolden, arguing that he had stolen valuable minerals from ore vein and instead stopped there those that were considered worthless, thus "koboldmetall". One reason for this was thought to be the mines disturb the tranquility of the underworld, where kobolderna lived.
According to many legends were kobold spirits red or orange. And always had with him a flute to scare people.
The word kobold is etymologically related to the English goblin. Even in parts of Sweden was the belief kobolder strong, largely due to the fact that many mountain men and metal processors came from German-speaking areas. For example, Falun Copper Mine thrived faith in all sorts of subterranean beings, such kobolder, mountain raw (an underground version of the Siren of the Woods) and trolls.

To be continued

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